Playing Catch-up
Did you all know that Ph.D. coursework is, well, work?
It has been a busy year, this semester so much more so than the last. Still, in between the moments of desperate sleep deprivation, in which I fall asleep on the couch, with Anthony Bourdain droning on in the background on the television, and a copy of Piers Plowman draped across my stomach, it has also been a very good year.
It has been a busy year, this semester so much more so than the last. Still, in between the moments of desperate sleep deprivation, in which I fall asleep on the couch, with Anthony Bourdain droning on in the background on the television, and a copy of Piers Plowman draped across my stomach, it has also been a very good year.
Yep to the work part. And welcome back :)
I'm glad to see your excellent blog title is not going to waste.
On cutting down that paper: try cutting every third paragraph, or third word. That'll sober you up!!!:-)
More seriously a senior scholar once told me his 20 min papers were 7 pages long. I am now senior in age and rank, at least, and I've never managed that.
Bardiac--Thanks! It is nice to be back.
Steve--I have heard the same thing from a couple of sources. The reasoning I've always heard (not going over time, reading slowly so people can absorb your paper) all make sense, but I will be shocked if I can manage to cut it that short with this paper! I'm aiming for 9ish.
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